
  • Franklin,  B.D., Birch, S., Savage, I., Wong, I., Woloshynowych, M., Jacklin, A. and Barber, N., Methodological variability in detecting prescribing errors and consequences for the evaluation of interventions. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 2009; 18: 992-999.
  • Barber, N. D., Alldred, D. P., Raynor, D. K., Dickinson, R., Garfield, S., Jesson, B., Lim, R., Savage, I., Standage, C., Buckle, P., Carpenter, J., Franklin, B., Woloshynowych M. and Zermansky, A. G., Care homes’ use of medicines study: prevalence, causes and potential harm of medication errors in care homes for older people. Qual. Saf. Health Care 2009; 18;341-346
  • Benson, A., Cribb, A. and Barber, N., Understanding pharmacists' values: a qualitative study of ideals and dilemmas in UK pharmacy practice. Social Science & Medicine, 2009; 68(12): 2223-30.
  • Garfield, S., Barber, N., Walley, P., Wilson, A. and Eliasson, E., Quality of medication use in primary care - mapping the problem, working to a solution: a systematic review of the literature. BMC Medicine, 2009, 7:50.
  • Shebl, N.A., Dean Franklin, B. and Barber, N., Is Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Reliable?   J Patient Saf, 2009; 5(2): 86-94.
  • Jani, Y., Ghaleb, M., Marks, S., Cope, J., Barber, N. and Wong, I., Electronic Prescribing Reduced Prescribing Errors in a Pediatric Renal Outpatient Clinic. The Journal of Pediatrics, 2008; 152 (2): 214-218.
  • Dean Franklin, B., Jacklin, A. and Barber, N., The impact of an electronic prescribing and administration system on the safety and quality of medication administration. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 2008; 16: 375-379.
  •  Gallivan, S., Pagel, C., Utley, M., Franklin, B.D., Taxis, K. and Barber, N., A technical note concerning non-adherence to drug therapy: exact expressions for the mean and variance of drug concentration. Health Care Management Science, 2008 Sep;11(3): 296-301.
  • Gallivan, S., Taxis, K., Dean Franklin, B. and Barber, N., Is the principle of a stable Heinrich ratio a myth? A multimethod analysis,Drug Safety, 2008; 31(8): 637-42
  • Alldred, D.P., Standage, C., Zermansky, A.G., Jesson, B., Savage, I., Dean Franklin, B., Barber, N. and Raynor, D.K., Development and validation of criteria to identify medication-monitoring errors in care home residents. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 2008; 16: 317-323.
  • Donyai, P.D., O’Grady, K., Jacklin, A., Barber, N. and Franklin, B.D., The effects of electronic prescribing on the quality of prescribing. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2008 Feb; 65:(2):230-237.
  • Clifford, S., Barber, N. and Horne, R., Understanding different beliefs held by adherers, unintentional nonadherers, and intentional nonadherers: application of the Necessity-Concerns Framework.J. Psychosom Res, 2008 Jan; 64(1): 41-6.
  • Elliott, R.A., Barber,N., Clifford, S., Horne, R and Hartley, E., The cost effectiveness of a telephone-based pharmacy advisory service to improve adherence to newly prescribed medicines,  Pharmacy World & Science, January 2008; 30 (1):17–23.
  • Spinewine, A., Schmader, K.E., Barber, N., Hughes, C., Lapane, K.,  Swine, C. and Hanlon, J.T., Appropriate prescribing in elderly people: How well can it be measured and optimised? The Lancet, 2007; 370: (9582):173-184.
  • Franklin, B.D., O’Grady, K., Donyai, P.D., Jacklin, A. and Barber, N., The impact of a closed-loop electronic prescribing and administration system on prescribing errors, administration errors and staff time: a before and after study. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 2007; 16:279-284.
  • Barber, N., Franklin, B.D., O’Grady, Paschelides, S., K., Galliva n, S., Jacklin, A. and Utley, M., Providing feedback to hospital doctors about prescribing errors; a pilot study, Pharmacy World & Science, June 2007; 29:(3):213-220.
  • Franklin, B.D., O’Grady, K., Donyai, P., Jacklin, A. and Barber, N., The impact of a closed-loop electronic prescribing and automated dispensing system on the ward pharmacist’s time and activities. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, June 2007; 15: 133-139.
  • Shebl, N., Franklin, B.D. and Barber, N., Clinical decision support systems and antibiotic use, Pharm World Sci, 2007 Feb, DOI 10.1007/s11096-007-9113-3.
  • Wirtz, V., Cribb, A. and Barber, N., The use of informed consent for medication treatment in hospital: a qualitative study of the views of doctors and nurses. Clinical Ethics, 2007; 2 : 36–41.
  • Taxis, K. and Barber, N., Safe medication prescribing and administration: three strategies for hospital pharmacists. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 2007; 13: 98 – 100.
  • Jenkings, K.N. and Barber, N., Same evidence, different meanings: Transformation of textual evidence in hospital new drugs committees. Text & Talk, 2006; 26-2: 169 -189.
  • Ghaleb, M.A., Barber, N., Franklin, B.D., Yeung, V.W.S., et al, Systematic Review of Medication Errors in Pediatric Patients, The Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2006 Oct, DOI 10.1345/aph.IG717
  • Clifford, S., Barber N., Elliott R., Hartley E., Horne, R., Patient-centred advice is effective in improving adherence to medicines, Pharmacy World & Science, 2006 Sep; 28:165-170.
  • Stebbing, C., Jacklin, A., Barber, N., Bates, D.W., A comparison of the US and UK inpatient medication systems, European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Practice, 2006; 12:36-39.
  • Barnes, J., Barber, N., Wheatley, D., Williamson, E.M., A Pilot Randomised, Open, Uncontrolled, Clinical Study of Two Dosages of St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) Herb Extract (LI-160) as an Aid to Motivational/Behavioural Support in Smoking Cessation, Planta Med., 2006 Mar; 72(4):378-82.
  • 108. Wirtz, V., Cribb, A., Barber, N., Patient-doctor decision-making about treatment within the consultation - a critical analysis of models, Soc Sci Med., 2006 Jan; 62(1):116-24.
  • Barber, N., Safdar, A., Franklin, B.D., Can human error theory explain non-adherence? Pharm World Sci., 2005; 27:300-304
  • Barber, N. The Pharmaceutical Gaze – the defining feature of pharmacy? The Pharmaceutical Journal 2005; 275 (7358):78
  • Dean Franklin, B., Vincent, C., Schachter, M., Barber, N., The incidence of prescribing errors in hospital inpatients: an overview of the research methods, Drug Saf., 2005; 28(10): 891-900.
  • Wirtz, V., Cribb, A., Barber, N., Reimbursement decisions in health policy--extending our understanding of the elements of decision-making, Health Policy., 2005 Sept 08; 73(3):330-8.
  • Ghaleb, M.A., Barber, N., Dean Franklin, B., Wong, I.C., What constitutes a prescribing error in paediatrics?, Qual Saf Health Care., 2005 Oct;14(5):352-7.
  • Elliott, R.A., Barber, N., Horne, R., Cost-effectiveness of adherence-enhancing interventions: a quality assessment of the evidence, Ann Pharmacother., 2005 Mar;39(3):508-15.
  • Beso, A., Franklin, B.D., Barber, N., The frequency and potential causes of dispensing errors in a hospital pharmacy, Pharm World Sci., 2005 Jun; 27(3):182-90.
  • Barber, N., Bradley, C., Barry, C., Stevenson, F., Britten, N., Jenkins, L., Measuring the appropriateness of prescribing in primary care: are current measures complete?, J Clin Pharm Ther., 2005 Dec ;30(6):533-9.
  • Barber, N., Safdar, A., Franklin, B.D., Can human error theory explain non-adherence?, Pharm World Sci., 2005 Aug; 27(4):300-4.
  • Wong, I.C., Ghaleb, M.A., Franklin, B.D., Barber, N., Incidence and nature of dosing errors in paediatric medications: a systematic review, Drug Saf., 2004; 27(9):661-70. Review.
  • Jenkings, K.N., Barber, N., What constitutes evidence in hospital new drug decision making?, Soc Sci Med., 2004 May; 58(9):1757-66.
  • Barber, N., Parsons, J., Clifford, S., Darracott, R., Horne, R., Patients' problems with new medication for chronic conditions, Qual Saf Health Care., 2004 Jun;13(3):172-5.
  • Taxis, K., Barber, N., Causes of intravenous medication errors - Observation of nurses in a German hospital, Journal of Public Health. 2004; 12(2):132-138.
  • Taxis, K., Barber, N., Incidence and severity of intravenous drug errors in a German hospital, Eur J Clin Pharmacol., 2004 Jan; 59(11):815-7.
  • Taxis, K., Wirtz, V., Barber, N., Variations in aseptic techniques during preparation and administration of intravenous drugs-an observation-based study in the UK and in Germany, J Hosp Infect., 2004 Jan; 56(1):79-81.
  • Barber, N., Designing information technology to support prescribing decision making, Qual Saf Health Care., 2004 Dec; 13(6):450-4.
  • Coleman, B., Martin, C., Barber, N., Patterson, D., An evaluation of the safety and acceptability of an anticoagulation clinic in a community pharmacy setting - A pilot study., Pharmaceutical Journal., 2004 Dec; 273(7328):822-824.
  • Barber, N., Rawlins, M., and Dean, B., Reducing prescribing error: Competence, control and culture, Quality and Safety in Health Care, 12 (Suppl 1), 2003; i29-i32.
  • Britten, N., Jenkins, L., Barber,N., Bradley, C., and Stevenson, F., Developing a measure for the appropriateness of prescribing in general practice, Quality and Safety in Health Care, 2003; 12: 246-250.
  • Elliott, R., Barber, N., and Noyce, P., Can Britain and the United States learn anything from each other?, The Pharmaceutical Journal, 2003; 27:508-510.
  • Jenkins, L., Britten, N., Stevenson, F., Barber,N., and Bradley, C., Developing and using quantitative instruments for measuring doctor-patient communication about drugs, Patient Education and Counseling, 2003; 50:273-278.
  • Stevenson, F. A., Britten, N., Barry, C. A., Bradley, C. P., and Barber,N., Self treatment and its discussion in medical consultations: how is medical pluralism managed in practice?, Social Science and Medicine, 2003; 57:513-527.
  • Taxis, K. and Barber,N., Causes of intravenous errors: an ethnographic study, Quality and Safety in Health Care, 2003; 12(5):343-347.
  • Taxis, K. and Barber,N., Ethnographic study of incidence and severity of intravenous drug errors, BMJ, 2003; 326: 684-687.
  • Wirtz, V., Cribb, A., and Barber,N., Understanding the Role of "the Hidden Curriculum" in Resource Allocation - The Case of the UK NHS, Health Care Analysis, 2003; 11:289-294.
  • Wirtz, V., Taxis, K., and Barber,N., An observational study of intravenous medication errors in the United Kingdom and in Germany, Pharmacy World and Science, 2003; 25:104-111.
  • Barber, N., Should we consider non-compliance a medical error?, Quality and Safety in Health Care, 2002; 11: 81-84.
  • Dean, B., Schachter, M., Vincent, C., and Barber,N., Prescribing errors in hospital inpatients: their incidence and clinical significance, Quality and Safety in Health Care, 2002; 11:340-344.
  • Dean, B., Schachter, M., Vincent, C., and Barber,N., Causes of prescribing errors in hospital inpatients: a prospective study, Lancet, 2002; 359:1373-1378.
  • Sagripanti, M., Dean, B. S., and Barber,N., An evaluation of the process-related medication risks for elective surgery patients from pre-operative assessment to discharge, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 2002; 10:161-170.
  • Stevenson, F. A., Britten, N., Barry, C. A., Bradley, C. P., and Barber,N., Perceptions of legitimacy: the influence on medicine taking and prescribing, Health, 2002; 6: 85-104.
  • Taxis, K., Dean, B. S., and Barber,N., The validation of an existing method of scoring the severity of medication administration errors for use in Germany, Pharmacy World and Science, 2002; 24(6):236- 239.
  • Barry, C. A., Stevenson, F., Britten, N., Barber,N., and Bradley, C., Giving voice to the lifeworld. More humane, more effective medical care? A qualitative study of doctor-patient communication in general practice., Social Science and Medicine, 2001; 53: 487-505.
  • Dean, B. S., Barber, N. D., van Ackere, A., and Gallivan, S., Can simulation be used to reduce errors in health care delivery? The hospital drug distribution system, Journal of Health Services and Research Policy, 2001; 6:32-37.
  • Dean, B. and Barber,N., Validity and reliability of observational methods for studying medication administration errors, Am J Health-Syst Pharm., 2001; 58:54-59.
  • Titley-Lake, C. and, Barber,N. Drug-related problems in the elders of the British Virgin Islands, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 2000; 8:53-59.
  • Barry, C. A., Bradley, C. P., Britten, N., Stevenson, F A., and Barber, N. Patients' unvoiced agendas in general practice consultations. BMJ 2000; 320:1246-1250.
  • Britten, N., Stevenson, F. A., Barry, C. A., Barber,N., and Bradley, C. P., Misunderstandings in general practice prescribing decisions: a qualitative study, BMJ, 2000; 320: 484-488.
  • Cribb, A. and Barber, N. Developing Pharmacy Values: Stimulating the Debate. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain ( 2000).
  • Dean, B. S. and Barber, N. D., The effects of a patients' own drugs scheme on the incidence and severity of medication administration errors, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 2000; 8:209-216.
  • Dean, B., Barber, N., and Schachter, M., What is a prescribing error?, Quality in Health Care, 2000; 9:232-237.
  • Hand, K. and Barber,N., Nurses' attitudes and beliefs about medication errors in a UK hospital, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice , 2000; 8:128-134.
  • Stevenson, F. A., Barry, C. A., Britten, N., Barber,N., and Bradley, C. P., Doctor – patient communication about drugs: the evidence for shared decision making, Social Science and Medicine, 2000; 50:829-840.
  • Huang A., Barber N., and Northeast A., Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis protocol – Needs active enforcement, Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 2000; 82(1): 69-70.
  • Stevenson, F. A., Britten, N., Barry, C. A., Barber, N., and Bradley, C. P., Qualitative methods and prescribing research, Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 2000 25: 317-324.
  • Taxis, K. and Barber,N., An analytical framework to investigate intravenous medication errors in hospitals, Pharmacy World and Science, 2000; 22: A7.
  • Last updated: 14-Dec-09